It was friday, my tests were over, hence i decided to call my friends and ajak them to go partay.
It wasn't easy but i somehow managed it. so at 4.20, i got in my car and headed for Cheng Chee's house.

Evidence. This fella said we has too sick to drink. We shall look into this later.

After fetching the korlash, we headed to arvin's. And look at him, all prepped up for a partay

Headed to Asia cafe for some old fashioned dota. Met the Kerpz somewhere along the way.

Took awhile to decide where to go. Had to wait for my cousin M to finish her tests and get ready. She was in Uniten. So we finally made up our mind to go to Sanctuary, The Curve. And with that, at around 9.45pm, we left Asia Cafe.

Arrived at The Curve rather early, and so we camped at this hebat mamak shop while waiting for the rest to come. The Nescafe Tarik was very good.

M, Raj and Ram finally arrived and we proceded to Sanctuary. Needless to say, it was really fun

The cheng chee on the left. Obviously too sick to enjoy himself...(yea rite)

Somewhere along the way in the club i noticed Kerpz acting weirdly.
1. Sanjeev: Yo kerpz how u doin?
Kerpz: *flashes the double thumbs up* (while dancing)
2. San: weh arvin better check on kerpz
Arvin: okok. "eh kerpz later u can drive or not"?
Kerpz: *ignores and keeps dancing*
Arvin: weh! let san drive ur car ok
Kerpz; *Flashes the double thumbs up*
after kerpz fell on me for support for the 10th time, i decided that he was pretty much wasted for the nite and probably is gona pass out later.
Hehehaha i shall not go into details, but mayb this will help. A pictar is worth a thousand words

Well, something of the sort anywayz. hahahaha Priceless. THe nite was fun and its we shall do it again