Found this somewhere. Hilarious subtitles for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

amazingly enough, the beginning scroll is mistranslated even though the words are right there on the screen.

star war (just one)

'the backstroke of the west' is the english translation of the chinese title.

anakin: "this is where the fun begins"

obi wan: "let them pass between us"

anonymous doomed fighter pilot: "they're all over me"

obi wan, space battle strategist.

obi wan grows impatient with r2.

the chancellor warns anakin and obi wan that count dooku is... big.

obi wan assures the chancellor that it's no problem.

count dooku talks tough.

that's chancellor palpatine speaking, talking about obi wan.

general grevious gets some bad news.

the general considers punishing his troops

anakin taunts general grevious.

the general fires off a snappy comeback

ummm... ????

we gonna rock down to... lemon avenue.

padme the homemaker

anakin tells padme about his dream
on the hoof - idiom, '
not yet butchered; alive. used especially of cattle'


yoda: "premonitions? premonitions?

sounds like something yoda might actually say... maybe.

anakin is haunted by dreamses.


anakin gets frustrated with the jedi council.

the chancellor tells anakin the story of darth plagueis the wise, aka the dintmeister.

plagueis learned how to become... strong and big

but he lost his power and died..

...then was killed by his land, so he could sleep. a tragic story indeed.

this seemed completely random until i figured out that 'jedi council' was being translated into chinese then back to english as 'the presbyterian church'.

anakin: "obi wan, may the force be with you"

tion medon: "on the tenth level, thousands of battledroids"

obi wan: "hello there"

the general tells his troops to back off, he'll take care of obi wan.

..but is it big?

the chancellor delivers anakin some bad news.

mace windu reads the chancellor his rights

anakin gets a new name.

the emporer: "rise!"

the emporer tells anakin... umm... something

anakin: "i agree."

the emperor: "do what must be done, lord vader.

yoda: "goodbye chewbacca."

c3po tells the amorous couple to get a room.

padme: "no thank you, c3po."

obi wan: "who could have done this?"

obi wan can't face what he must do.

..and explains that the person he once knew noed longer is.

how about a snickers?

Anakin tells padme about his new virtues, now being both strong
and big

padme doesn't want strong and big- she also doesn't want to walk on a road meant for running about.


obi wan has heard enough.

meanwhile, the emperor reveals his true ambitions

anakin taunts, but... wan stands on higher ground...

..and proclaims his

this translation is classic. darth vader is actually shouting, "nooooooooooooo..."
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