So yea, we went to Genting Highlands. Went for an awesome breakfast at Modern in the morning, and proceeded to take the train to KL central
In the Bus, ready to go. Jon looks pretty happy doesn't he?
So we finally reached Genting around 3 and checked in our hotel and stuff. After awhile we decided to venture into First World Hotel and get some food/entertainment. We figured that the cheapest food we would find would be fast food. Damn....KFC costs about 90% more expensive for every dish. ALMOST DOUBLE.
enjoying our KFC while discovering that we do not have much money to spend for the next day.
That night was memorable. We opened up the liquor we brought along and pretty much got washed up in alcohol for the rest of the night. To make it better, these 2 arrived without warning!
We tried to make the situation more lively by playing some music with Kerpz's phone. Needless to say, i managed to capture some hard evidence of the night. Hehehahaehheahhahehaheahaeh
The Rock Bottom. Roffle.
The duo laughing after seeing themselves in action in the 1st video. Gawd..
ooo the dancing. A must watch
Anywayxz, thats all about genting i guess. Pretty fun. Lol